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Braces for Kids & Teens
Salem, OR

Braces for Kids & Teens provided by in Salem, OR at

Your child's teeth and jawbone are constantly growing and changing, and continue to do so until their late teens. When their teeth are misaligned and their bite off, it can affect their oral health, as well as their confidence. At Amborn Orthodontics, we can provide your teen or child with braces, bringing their teeth and mouth into proper alignment, improving their oral health and their confidence.

Early Treatment

According to the American Academy of Orthodontics, your child should be seen by an orthodontist by the age of 7. During childhood and early adolescence, the jaw undergoes many changes, and many of the bite problems your child faces are a result of how the jaw and the muscles grow together.

Many of the issues that children are faced with, that require early treatment, are issues such as poor bite, front teeth that protrude out, or not having enough space in the mouth for the teeth to properly grow into place. A thorough evaluation of your child's mouth and their teeth will allow us to recommend any treatment that will ensure the health and beauty of your child's smile in the future.

What if permanent teeth aren't present?

You may be wondering why your child needs an evaluation so early before their permanent teeth have even come into place. With an early evaluation, we can get a full view of what is happening inside your child's mouth, including under the gums. This provides us with insight as to how your child's mouth will continue to develop and allows us to recommend treatment. With this preventative measure, we can help to reduce the seriousness of treatment required later in life.


Braces are an orthodontic treatment that helps to correct misaligned teeth and an off bite. We attach brackets to your child's teeth, along with metal bands, which attach to your rear teeth. The band's anchor archwire is attached to the individual brackets with o-rings. The wire works to gradually guide the teeth into proper alignment. Depending on your child's circumstances, other equipment may also be required, such as rubber bands or springs, which can help to further guide your child's teeth and jaw to where they need to be.

How old should a child be for braces?

While your child's initial orthodontic evaluation should occur at the age of 7, braces are often used when your child is between the ages of 11 and 13. By this time, your child has lost all of their baby teeth, and have grown in their adult teeth. However, as children develop at different rates, the exact age at which braces will be effective can be determined by an evaluation of your specific child.

Are braces painful?

Some children worry that braces will be painful. The truth is that there is some discomfort involved as your child's teeth are moved. Traditional braces can also cause embarrassment. Technology has advanced, and we can offer alternatives such as clear braces. Many options can provide results faster, and with less discomfort than what is associated with traditional braces. We can help you and your child to determine the best course of action that will provide the best results.

With the help of braces, your child's teeth can be put into proper alignment, giving them a beautiful smile that will last them a lifetime. Call Amborn Orthodontics at (503) 967-9887 today to schedule an appointment.

1810 E Nob Hill Street SE, Salem, OR 97302-5238

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Braces for Kids & Teens - Salem, OR • Amborn Orthodontics
At Amborn Orthodontics, we can provide your teen or child with braces, bringing their teeth and mouth into proper alignment, improving their oral health and confidence.
Amborn Orthodontics, 1810 E Nob Hill Street SE, Salem, OR 97302 | (503) 967-9887 | | 2/3/2025 | Associated Words: Orthodontist Salem OR |